heyya little blogger! aaaaaargh mulai males nulis, kenapa? gada yang bisa gw ceritain. uwrgh,
mau nonton orphan! well, katanya sih serem, endingnya serem banyak yang bilang, but i still wanna watch it. [:
huahua. gw lagi sakit, masuk angin selama 2 hari. urwgh. mungkin gara gara hal ga bener yang gw lakukan kemaren. apa itu? secret haha. dosa nih. wkwk. AMPUNIN AKU TUHAN. maaf T.T
what should i do now? nothing to do. nothing great. =.='
uhmpfh. ah tau lah. bete
August 20, 2009
long time since that day. .
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 3:09 AM 0 comments
August 09, 2009
outfit puri
kemaren gua pergi ke puri dan gw udah cerita kan. haha males.
cuma mau post ini doang kog.
outfit ke puri wkwkwkwkwkwk
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 3:10 AM 0 comments
August 08, 2009
long time no see!!
heyyaaaa! lama gak jumpa!! abis kalo gw ngepost pasti tentang omegle melulu. hahaha.
today i went to puri with rika, sasa, deryn and tari. we watched up! it's great! so sad ending and so happy ending. hahaha stupid. btw, i gave that 5 stars rating. totally kewl!
yap i hate someone. she's a bitch. sorry to say that, but yea it's true. at the beginning, actually i don't really mind her. but she becomes annoying! oh God. anybody help me?
oyeah, maybe in the end, everbody will hate me. and that clique will hate me too. why? dunno. usually it ends like that.
and one more. YEAH I'M A HYPOCRITE. and you know what? everybody is a hypocrite. so dont be silly. dont even try to say that you're not a hypocrite. you lied to yourself.
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 6:53 AM 0 comments
August 03, 2009
di diskonek gw langsung ketek abes dah tuh orang.es baby
felt so stupid to here.
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 5:00 AM 0 comments
stupid thing =.='
haha, felt so stupid that time. ckckck.
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 4:33 AM 0 comments
hahaha, omegle drives me crazy
mestinya gw tanya aja ye,
"nateon? lampu neon maksud lo? gw punya tuh lampu neon, kan gw jagoan neon!"
this is a ♥ letter from chaell =) at 4:07 AM 0 comments